Anyone get out a little today?

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Anyone get out a little today?

Post by Teethgrinder »

Happy Tuesday, DAMN.

Given the the Weather Gods are smiling today, I "worked from home", and went out for a spin as soon as time and mind-numbing spreadsheets allowed.

I went out to explore my new Frederick surroundings for a few minutes.

I found that New Design Rd. is long, straight, and a good place to see if that 3rd LCD digit on the speedo is working properly. :ride:

I found that the young girls that work at the M.O.M.s organic market where I buy my Virgil's Root Beer are both cute and personable.

I found that I am more irritated than I originally thought about the fact that I have to hide my bikes in a storage unit. What a pain.

There is something so disheartening in the prospect of keeping the majestic, furious howl of an Italian Desmoquattro twin in a sheet-metal storage mausoleum, along-side unwanted sofas, unused lawn equipment, and other things that people don't care enough about to keep near them. It's like the disgruntled-looking tiger in the tiny pen at the zoo, next to all of the other disgruntled animals that you know very well would look completely different in the proper habitat. A travesty, I tell you. A crime.

I blame my wife for just having to have the house, even if it has no garage. I was perfectly happy in my little shanty apartment that had a garage.


Did you get to ride a little today and take advantage of the newly-returned sun?

Edit: Rather than eat DAMN bandwidth, I figured I would just post a link to the rest of my bike blog here for you guys to check out. I put bike things in there for later reference, like ride reports and the like. Enjoy.

Re: Anyone get out a little today?

Post by Roadracer_Al »


Rub it in.

Although I feel you on the no garage thing. I solved it by having a shipping container dropped in my yard. I'm waiting for the jackasses from the Department Of Lawn Nannies to come hassle me about the ugly thing. All I can say is ... f_ck YOU, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, I'm moving. :twisted:
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Re: Anyone get out a little today?

Post by restukey »

I made it into the city, D.C., for a round of girl watching, wheelies, and a couple romps through the twisty section of the park.
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Re: Anyone get out a little today?

Post by Bucho »

I spent the nicer part of the afternoon, (after I got out of bed), in my pickup truck with my young son strapped in next to me. I was serving as my wife's personal chase vehicle, following her around so she could practice her street riding skills.

I knew I was shooting myself in the foot, when I helped my wife get a bike and learn to ride. Someone has to watch the baby, and its rare to get a third person to do that, so its either myself or her. But I'm happy she is very excited about riding.

I did get to ride into work though, was nice on the way in. I'm sure it will be 40 degrees on my way home.
Yamaha WR250R
Yamaha TW200
Surron UltraBee

Re: Anyone get out a little today?

Post by Panther »

Got out from 5 -7 pm -- warm, but gusty winds. I am still waiting for that wonderful combo of warm, dry, and calm that I haven’t felt since some time last October or Nov. Did a circuit of back roads around Boonsboro and visited the folks. Better than clocking OT at work.
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