RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by gots_a_sol »

Does it look like I know what I'm doing yet? :D

I programmed the race last night, wasn't that hard to do. Other than you can't go down with numbers so if you over shoot one you have to go all the way around again. My thumb hurt :lol2:


Oh and doing the roll chart = arts and crafts for dirt bikers lol.

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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by Marylander »

Anyone want a roll chart holder, free? I just came across it while getting stuff together for the kdx. It's even got the roll from the last time I took an enduro seriously (beehive enduro in 2000). :dry:
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by BamBam »

Me, me, me!! It's on my list of things I need to race an enduro one day. (The other thing being skill)

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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by gots_a_sol »

Write up? Sure why not. Get comfy, it is a long one.

I got there early to try and snag a row not in the triple digits :lol2: I got myself and another buddy on row 26 with some A guys/behind the last AA rider so we wouldn't have to worry about getting squashed by them :D I think the last few rows were in the 50's today.

The weather ended up being beautiful through the night, didn't even bother unrolling my tarp. My buddy showed up a little before 8 and got signed up. I knew the area was going to be rocky and challenging, but he is pretty decent in the rocks and goes out west every summer to ride various places around the Rockies, so he should be fine (and is usually a little quicker than me). Weather is kinda overcast, like it can't make up its mind. It stays this way pretty much all day, except when we are waiting at resets in the open, then the sun comes out to say hi :dry:


So its just about our time to roll out. I just put the ICO on the bike the other day and other than minimal playing with the buttons, I have no time with it. The default way to start it is to hit the "main" button the second the row ahead leaves. This starts a 1 minute countdown to when your row leaves. I also scribbled on the mount the back up way of starting it just in case I messed that up :shrug: I didn't :lol2:

Ok, we head off, obviously the A guys take off first, then me and my buddy bringing up tail gunner for whatever reason. It is slick out here. And rocky. Did anybody mention before that PA has rocks? Yea. We get to the first group of folks sitting around and I get to play with my computer. We are just before a mileage reset, and the comp is saying we are like 5 mins behind schedule. So I bump the mileage up the .1 to match the reset, it does its thing, and now says we are 2 mins early for the check that we are assuming is over the next crest/around the next turn. We wait until it shows us about 10-15 seconds ahead of time and set off. Slowly. Sure enough over the hill and around the next corner is the first check of the day and we all 0 it. I'm already liking this thing (even with having A guys with their own computers to follow).

I was going to describe each individual test, but I can sum up every. single. one. of them as nasty, rocky, slippery, spirit crushing, why the F are we riding this, trail. Oh that hill there? There are bodies everywhere. Good luck. Next hill? Same. Pretty much everybody ahead of us is should be AA, A, or B and some of these guys are struggling already? This is going to be a looooong day. Make it through the first and second test sections ok. Somewhere in the 3rd test we lose my buddy. I don't see him again until the first gas/20 minute pause and only then I just catch a glimpse as I head back out and he is just getting there. He called it a day at this point. I left him a motivational note, but I guess it didn't work :killingme:


After the first gas it is more of the same. Other than a few pieces of new trail here and there, it is mostly the first test all over again. Hooray. I keep chugging along, but energy is fading fast. Are the promoters nice people? Hell no. This shit is getting even rougher and more technical. Gah, shoot me now. I'm happy to say that once the bodies got out the way, I cleared all the hill climbs like a boss. Except one that was super slick and I assumed the fast guy that swooped down and back up the bank around me would clear it. He didn't. He stalled at the very top which means here I am stuck 6' back. Like he had crested it and stopped/stalled there just to screw me or something. Asshole. I ended up manhandling the bike up the last bit since there was no room to turn around. Energy level is 0 now. Just keep moving. Mistakes are adding up fast now, but I manage to not drop the bike much.

I'm in full survival mode now. Just gotta finish. After the second gas stop in one last few checks the trail starts out as this perfect, flowing trail with almost no rocks. Did I teleport to another state? What the hell? Oh wait those promoters are jerks. Here are the rocks again. Why are you doing this to us?? Finally finish that test and the ICO is showing about 90 miles and the check to end the day was at 97-something. Oh sweet jesus I'm done!. Err nope. I got a little lost and missed a turn off back on to the trail from a fire road, so I spun around and come back and find it, turn in and there is one more check in, which I was a minute late for. I wanted to cry :lol2: Fine, whatever, it can only be like 5 miles anyway. Yea, 5 miles of shitty terrible trail. To make it better? Almost immediately after going through the check this happens.


So now not only is the trail shitty terrible rocky bs, I get to enjoy it while basically riding on the rim. My insides hurt so bad at the end of this section. Plus I think I'm about 2" shorter now. I tried to stand, but it would just kick and slide wherever it wanted with no warning, so it seemed the safer bet to sit. Finally, FINALLY I get to the end of this test. And then get to limp back on this stupid flat tire for a few miles of fire roads. This is where open course enduros are nice since you usually end up on pavement at the end of the day.

Somewhere during one of the last few tests I ran over a black snake. I saw it and was thinking, man, that root looks funny. Oh DAMN thats a snake. Donk, donk. Sorry!

I get back and get everything loaded, walk up to get some food/drinks since my water ran out in the second to last test, just because that last one didn't suck enough ass already. Well they are sorting out the leaderboard. You know what, screw it, I don't have anything better to do and it is starting to rain anyway. Most classes had only about 5 folks actually finish the entire day. Lots of riders must have said F it and bailed at the gas stops. The first one was back at the camping area, which means it would have been very easy to just not go back out :D

I ended up with this :deal: (the cover reflection messed up my pic, it says 1st place)


I will say this is the 2nd most brutal race I've ever done. 1st place belongs to the Tough like RORR event I did when they first introduced it. And it poured and poured and poured, something like 8" of rain that morning. I'm sensing a theme with these RORR folks :dry:

OH and I forgot my gopro on my desk. My buddy should have a little bit of video from before the first gas stop though. I'll post it up if he uploads anything.
Last edited by gots_a_sol on Wed May 31, 2017 11:42 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by J&J »

Good job Joe! Sorry I missed it :jack:
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by Bucho »

Wow! Nice job Joe!

Please kick me in the nuts next year for this one. I honestly kinda like the harder ones. Im such a slow rider I need the nasty conditions to slow down all the fast guys.

I think Ill do the 3 Springs one in August.
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by Laoch »


Nice write up. Good job.
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by Rut Row »

wow. Just wow. :knary: :bow:
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by Todd34 »

Good job!
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Re: RORR/Broad Mountain Enduro 5-28

Post by gots_a_sol »

First video I've seen posted (not my buddy). The check is at 12:15 in if you want to skip the boring 'maintain speed/time to not burn a check' bit.

The test was one of the nicer pieces of trail. One of the bodies everywhere hills is at 29:45.


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