Air Tag Oops

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Air Tag Oops

Post by Twist »

The guy that I sold my WR250R to was out in his garage looking at it while it poured down rain today. He called me and asked me why he was hearing a random beep come from the bike. Oops, I left an Air Tag hidden on it. The anti-stalking feature in an Air Tag makes it beep if it's not near the owner's iPhone which this one was decidedly not. I pulled it up on my phone and could see exactly where he was so I guess this did its job if someone had taken it.

I dropped it from my account and told him he could have it. He paid me my price for the bike and drove all the way down here to get it so it's the least I could do.

Many of the bike thieves around here are smart enough to make sure no one is ever around their stolen bikes with an iPhone until they can comb the bike to ditch the tags. I'm getting so feeble minded I put it on there so I could remember where I left my bike.
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Re: Air Tag Oops

Post by Bucho »

Ha ha

At least it works
Yamaha WR250R
Yamaha TW200
Surron UltraBee
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