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Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:52 pm
by Bucho
phoo wrote:Does anyone know the GR route? Are we positive it's going to be all public access stuff?
I was wondering that too. If its a "one day only" type thing, they might open up a mountain bike trail for us to ride on, or other trails/sections that are normally off limits.

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:13 pm
by Rut Row
mdubya wrote:I don't mind the needing to pay aspect. I just don't like organized events and standing in line.
mdub - if we ever have a DAMN event, YOU will never have to stand in line. Nope, you come right to the front, and we'll stop the whole shebang and take you right up front. :deal:

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:16 pm
by Laoch
Kyler wrote:
mdubya wrote:I don't mind the needing to pay aspect. I just don't like organized events and standing in line.
mdub - if YOU ever SHOW UP AT A DAMN event, YOU will never have to stand in line. Nope, you come right to the front, and we'll stop the whole shebang and take you right up front. :deal:


Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:06 pm
by Bork
What line? Oh I forgot, I ate 15-bean soup last night! :roost:

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:09 pm
by biffer99
Kyler wrote:
mdubya wrote:I don't mind the needing to pay aspect. I just don't like organized events and standing in line.
mdub - if we ever have a DAMN event, YOU will never have to stand in line. Nope, you come right to the front, and we'll stop the whole shebang and take you right up front. :deal:
He'd end up in the front anyway :roost:

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:49 pm
by Skinny-J
Bucho wrote:
phoo wrote:Does anyone know the GR route? Are we positive it's going to be all public access stuff?
I was wondering that too. If its a "one day only" type thing, they might open up a mountain bike trail for us to ride on, or other trails/sections that are normally off limits.
Its Maryland Dude, you can forget about it being anything but public dirt roads; Martin O' would crap in his hat before he let something like that happen. Hell, I bet they won't even open up the ORV for the day (techinically that is a public road) rather alone a mountain bike trail (believe me, they would kick the mountain bikers out too if they could; ask me how I know...)

If it is anything other than public roads, I will come!

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:24 pm
by Wingfixer
A d/s ride around Greenridge might, or might not be fun. I do enjoy these organized rides to some extent but I'm not sure I'd want to pay to ride around on roads I can ride for free anytime, camaraderie aside. I do agree though that this event should not be combined with the DAMN re-union. I would rather see us DAMN guys hanging together at Mountain Ridge, the DAMN re-union is for us DAMN guys after all. My .02 and probably not worth that...

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:19 am
by Ovo
Wingfixer wrote: My .02 and probably not worth that...
I think we all feel that way. So .02 is worth quit a bit.

Lets just decide on Mt. Ridge for the Re-union.

Now have the re-union on the same weekend as this event? I think that is the bigger question, as I do think some people might like to do this event as well as do Mt Ridge.

Now thats .03 cents total...your .02 and my .01

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:14 am
by Wingfixer
Well, since we are adding up the pennies....I am working the last weekend in April but am off the first weekend in May. With that we are up to .04!

Re: GreenRidge Dual Sport/Adventure Ride May 6th

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:10 pm
by mdubya
dirtygrunt wrote:
Kyler wrote:
mdubya wrote:I don't mind the needing to pay aspect. I just don't like organized events and standing in line.
mdub - if YOU ever SHOW UP AT A DAMN event, YOU will never have to stand in line. Nope, you come right to the front, and we'll stop the whole shebang and take you right up front. :deal:
