Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Designed To Shorten Environmental Reviews (NEPA) Issued

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Rut Row
DAMN Grand Poohba
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Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Designed To Shorten Environmental Reviews (NEPA) Issued

Post by Rut Row »


Earlier this month the Council on Environmental Quality issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking -Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This proposed rulemaking is intended to “…revise and modernize… NEPA regulations to facilitate more efficient, effective, and timely NEPA reviews by Federal agencies.”

As many in the OHV community are aware, NEPA reviews can often be time consuming endeavors which can produce reports hundreds of pages in length. The proposed changes are intended to “…advance the original goals of the CEQ regulations to reduce paperwork and delays, and promote better decisions consistent with the national environmental policy…”

NOHVCC encourages everyone in the OHV community to take a look at the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and submit comments to encourage a reduction in paperwork and reporting required under NEPA while still ensuring that resources remain adequately protected.

Comments are due March 10, 2020.

NOHVCC staff just wanted to alert you early in the process so that you will have adequate time to review the notice. We will work together with other interested parties and will provide opportunities to weigh in, sample comments and other information as this process moves forward.
Die young as late as possible, remember who you were before the world told you how it should be. -- Barry Morris
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