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Garmin Montana 700 GPS

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:12 am
by Firebolter
Used the new 700 on the trip out west and I must say, I am extremely pleased over my older 680t. The interface is easy to use and very "smart phone" like. Once I bumped up my icon size for the "triangle" I like to use to show my location, I can see the route and my direction I am pointing without reading glasses, that is a big bonus for me. The supplied topo maps are great. Almost all of the trails we rode in Moab and Colorado were on my maps. The routes I got and loaded for the trip laid right on top/over them. Good Stuff.

It is about time the GPS' like the 700 caught up with the simplicity and functionality of a smart phone. I would look at GAIA GPS on my Samsung every now and then and it too was spot on. I had the same GPS files on the phone as the 700 for comparison. Spot on-Honestly, a decent smartphone with GAIA GPS app (or similar app) is as good and they are pretty tough.