Blue Ridge Trail

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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by XRAnimal »

Skinny-J wrote:The BRT is a route that runs from Front Royal, Virginia all the way to North Carolina. The route is made up of small back country roads, dirt roads, forest roads, two tracks and maybe even the occasional bit of single track, who knows. The route was put together by a guy on ADV and you can read about it and see some pics here:

A few of us plan to take a week and run this route from 7/21 to 7/28. We will take 4 or 5 days to reach NC and then a couple of days to run up the BRP and home. If anyone would like to join us, for all or even just some of this adventure; the more the merrier…

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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by b3h »


Really want to hear about this adventure and see the pics.
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Gene-TW200 »

I was able to ride the first leg of this adventure with Jay and the crew and I must say it was a pleasure to meet and spend time riding and socializing !! I ended up getting seperated at a gas stop before we rode thru the GW forest and didn't see the guys again until we met back up at the motel , this was probably for the best as I was a lot slower then those guys on my little TW as well as there skills were way above my beginner skills !!

Again thanks guys for allowing me to joinn in on the fun !! see some of ya at Michaux !!
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by BigBird »

SUPER TRIP! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Stand By for Jay's Trip Report In Progress!

The teasers are:
Wingixer provided LOTs of Exciting Entertainment :loveit:
and Jay showed the OLD fat guy that he (Jay) could Make the XR650 PIG FLY on the last GREAT section!
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by mdubya »

:lurker: :lurker: :lurker:
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Skinny-J »

I am not normally a ride report kinda guy so if what follows is sucky, you have been warned. However, this trip was so much fun I feel compelled to re-live a little of it by writing about the stuff that I think others may find mildly enternaining. Unfortunately I did not take a lot of pics as we were too busy riding, but I will at least share the ones I do have along with some other tales of the BRT-

Day 1: Saturday started off very over cast and spitting rain off and on. Wingfixer showed up at my house at exactly the time we were supposed to be leaving. In typical Wingfixer fashion he informed me he had gotten home late the previous day and did not have time to change wheel sets from his Distanzia’s over to the knobbies on his DRZ. Now they say hindsight is 20/20, but in retrospect I think Wingfixer would agree that this would turn out to be a mistake; but it did provide for lots of entertainment along the way.

No matter who tells you; this tire is NOT for off-road riding, especially in the mud:

After looking through my stuff for some tubes, a ram mount for his GPS and a patch cord for his radio, all of which Wingfixer was also missing, we soon hit the road. A couple of hours later we swung into the MARC station at Point of Rocks where Big-Bird and Gene TW200 were also just pulling in. The group was now 4 DAMN riders strong as we made our way on back roads down to Front Royal where the BRT officially starts. On the way there some real rain finally caught us and gave us a good dowsing. Gassing up in Front Royal, a friend from COG named Paul joined us and the 5 of us officially started off on the BRT adventure. Soon enough though, “adventure” showed me its ugly face as we came to a Y in the road. At first the road appeared to go left, but then I realized the main road actually went downhill to the right. I glanced down to check the GPS to make sure I stayed on the route, looked up, pushed to go right and immediately hit the ground. Fortunately, the road was so wet that the slide that followed did not leave a single mark on me and only took a little of the “x-tra” metal off the foot peg of the bike; any low side that you get up laughing about doesn’t count in my book. But at least I had my wreck out of the way; others would not be as lucky as I was, but that comes later.
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Skinny-J »

Day 1: (continued) We eventually got on Fort Valley Rd which parallels Peter’s Run and Taskers Gap which are options on the BRT. However, since these trails are “technically” pay-to-ride areas, I choose to by-pass them having been on them before and knowing the amount of other dirt that was ahead of us over the next week. Not soon after passing Taskers, the BRT does deviate off of Fort Valley and hits some nice little gravel roads running pass the quint-escential VA farms. Soon the route dumped us onto OLD 211 which is a nice long straight section of gravel along the ridge of a mountain where you can step it up a gear is you are so inclined. Old 211 eventually dumps you onto for-real 211 where we then rolled down into New Market for lunch. A stop at the Southern Kitchen restaurant saw us downing coffee and hot tea with our meal; it is amazing how even in 70 or 80 degree weather if you are soaking wet you can still be shivering cold. At lunch we also added our 6th and final rider, Mike, and were also joined for lunch by Pat, an old friend who lives in the area.

After a hardy lunch and leaving large puddles on the floor of the restaurant from our dripping clothes we hit the road again under the threat of the sun poking out from behind the clouds. Not too far down the road Gene indicated he needed gas again as the range on the TW200 was under 100 miles. The official BRT routes takes great pains to avoid most major metropolitan areas and this was true to get around the town of Broadway VA. A plan was therefore devised where Gene would run into town to get gas and we would continue on the route around the town and we would all meet up again where the BRT crossed a certain road. This sounded good in theory but in practice, I did not realize the BRT actually crossed this certain road TWICE. Therefore, Gene was sitting at the correct spot and we were at the wrong one. Unfortunately, before I realized we were at the wrong one, a phone call to Gene had already told him HE was at the wrong one. What ensued was garbled cell phone messages and a lot of running around trying to find each other; pretty much the definition of a cluster-fk. Eventually it was so bad that some more messages were left to just keep running the route and we would meet at the end of the day in Franklin. This was a learning experience however, as for the rest of the trip no body was allowed to go anywhere by them selves, except for the bathroom!

Finally, after the Broadway gas debacle, the route headed into the mountains and gave us a taste of our first forest fire roads. Basically, these very unimproved dirt roads along with your standard gravel roads would be the a LOT of what we would be riding over the next week. However, not too far into our first fire road I realized there was NO one behind me and had to turn back to find the rest of the crew who were trying to work out a few first day issues. First, someone had loose bags that had to be re-secured, and then someone on distanzias decided to take a little dirt nap. Then, in the process of recovering from the dirt nap, the only fuel injected bike on the trip did not want to re-start; and this was all in the first 10 minutes of being on our first fire road. Eventually, some brilliant accountant figured out how to get the problem bike running; turns out being parked at a steep angle allowed the in tank fuel pump to be exposed and pouring the excess fuel from some MSR bottles into the tank made it fire right back up. The big comedy of this entire afternoon was that we eventually figured out the Gene and his little TW200 were in front of us on the route and is spite of our great-big 400 and 650 bikes, as a group we could not maintain an over all pace necessary to catch him! Eventually we all made it to Franklin, WV and checked into the Thompson motel. We got cleaned up and walked up to Fox’s pizza for dinner which was conveniently BYOB which tasted oh so good at the end of our first day of the BRT.

Sam & Gene and a really good looking Honda at the Thompson Motel:

All the bikes:
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Rut Row »

Die young as late as possible, remember who you were before the world told you how it should be. -- Barry Morris
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Gene-TW200 »

Great first day report ! That was the best telling of "The Tdub and the Hot Rods" i ever read , thanks again for allowing me to lead such a fine bunch of guys thru the rough stuff , most likely my only 30 minutes of being the "Big Dawg" !
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Re: Blue Ridge Trail

Post by Bucho »

Sounds awesome, I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of this ride.
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